how to study for the midterm

tuesday, march 8th, 2022
10:10 pm

cant believe i literally fucking broke you. i literally fucking destroyed you. i destroyed the both of us. great. good going.

HOW MUCH LONGER WILL I HavE TO KEEP CONVINCING MYSELF TO NOT KILL MYSELF???????MY LEGACY ON THIS EARTH IS COMPRISED OF NOTHING MORE THAN AN ENDLESS CHAIN OF DISAPPOINTMENTS??? LETDOWNS???TELL ME A SINGLE FUCKING GOOD THING IVE DONE FOR THE WORLD. TELL ME A SINGLE REASON I DESERVE TO STAY HERE. TELL ME HOW TO CONVINCE MYSELF IM ALLOWED TO KEEP EXISTING. I HATE IT!!!!!!! I HATE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KEEP HURTING THE PEOPLE AROUND ME AND NOTHING I DO IS BENEFICIAL TO HUMANITY SO WHY!!!!!!!!! WHY AM I STILL HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!NOT A SINGLE GOOD THING HAS COME FROM MY EXISTENCE???????? THE TEMPORARY SIGNIFICANce OF MY LIFE IS DWARFED BY THE grandeur of the universe and every single fucking thing i do is meaningless in the face of the permanence of death. once i die i will simply cease to be and nothing about that will have any real effect on the universe itself. so why am i still here. why am i still living if i keep causing others pain. i don’t deserve to have this life. i don’t deserve anything at all.
